Sunday, April 6, 2008

Yesterday in the Sun; Today in the Rain

Oh Dear Goddess!
Finally, with the persistance and delicious cushiony-ness and divine inspiration from freshly reacquainted sistah-friend Fresca, I am lurching/launching into a new realm of cyberspace-- Blog land! And this is fitting metaphorically, since my semiotically-inclined friend is recently possessed of the old Star Trek episode spirit. She has done much viewing, searching, imagining and sharing of the richness she has discovered in the pursuit of " its five-year mission to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man/womyn has gone before". So, I am eternally and temporally and tempurally grateful to Fresca for nudging me into this new voyage and maturing into the cyber-mishpucha, and, maybe today is my virtual bat-mitzvah--an initiation, of sorts into the community of all bloggers and blog-seekers.

Fresca and I are sitting together at the local Irish pub; she is treating me to luscious libations, served to us by our attentive and dazzlingly gorgeous, Pre-Raphaelite-ishly radiant-in-the-public-half-light barmaid, Michelle, who does glow like a Boticelli Venus birthed on the half-shell! Fresca of the frescoes is coaching me in the mechanics and art and kmagic of creating my own blog--perhaps a Mary Shelley cyber monster will issue forth. Oy! Literary hubris! I should dare to dream of such fecundity!

Love, Laughter, Solidarity!


1 comment:

Fresca said...

Welcome, sister blogger! You have a brilliant future, and not just when you are ingesting forbidden fruits either!